Provide language and guidance during emergencies such as medical, housing, visa, and legal (We are able to provide guidance but are not a substitute for professional or legal services).
Same-day Appointments: In critical situations, we can help you schedule and accompany you to same-day appointments to address urgent needs.
Last-minute Housing: If you encounter unexpected housing issues, we assist in securing last-minute accommodations. (We arrange a temporary hotel for 1-2 days while we find and secure your new housing).
Pharmacy Visits: We're available to accompany you to pharmacies when needed.
Crime Reporting: While we do not provide legal services, we can guide you through legal processes and accompany you when necessary. Please note that in cases of sexual assault or harassment, our services are free.
Contacting Appropriate Services: We emphasize that, in emergencies, you should always try to contact appropriate local services, such as emergency services (dial 119), before seeking our assistance. We are here to support and guide you during challenging times.
*Prices for emergencies may vary based on your specific service requirements. Contact us to discuss your situation and to determine accurate pricing.